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В Петербурге коммунальные службы переведены в усиленный режим работы из

Согласно метеосводке, сильный снегопад в Петербурге продлится до 17:00 12 января. В связи с этим, по информации пресс-службы губернатора города, коммунальные службы переведены в усиленный режим работы.

Due to a heavy snowfall in Saint Petersburg, city services have been placed on high alert to ensure road safety and public well-being. Key points: * Enhanced Workload: Staff are working extended hours to clear snow from roads, sidewalks, and building rooftops. * Proactive Measures: Continuous snow plowing and salting are ongoing to maintain passability. * Public Safety: Workers are removing snow from roofs to prevent dangers from collapsing snow. * Citizens Advised: Residents are urged to exercise caution and avoid areas where work is being carried out. * 24/7 Operation: City services are operating around the clock due to the forecast of significant snowfall accumulation. The focus is on prioritizing public safety and ensuring efficient snow removal operations to minimize disruption for residents.

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